Lavender Benefits

Lavender Benefits

lavender benefits

5 Ways to Include Lavender in Your Life

lavender benefits

First off, why even have lavender in your life?

Best known for fragrant purple blossoms, lavender is a perennial plant that can be used for aromatherapy & can help combat anxiety, depression, & fatigue. Other lavender benefits are that it has calming effects, so it can reduce blood pressure, it is a natural antiseptic, & minimizes headache pains.

1. TEA

  1. Add lavender flowers, dried or fresh, to a tea bag in boiling water, and let it steep.
  2. Be careful not to use too many flowers, as it may make your tea taste soapy.
lavender benefits


  1. Put a few drops of lavender essential oil or bath bombs infused with the oils in your bath before you start or end your day!
  2. Some of the many lavender benefits are that it can calm the nervous system, improving your body’s melatonin levels, which will help you get a better night of sleep!
lavender benefits


  1. Lavender oils are a natural anti-inflammatory and can also soothe a sunburn and reduce scarring.
  2. Be cautious when making your own essential oil soaps, it’s important to research first!
lavender benefits


  1. Lavender contains a component that has antioxidants in it, which can protect your body from harmful compounds.
  2. If you want to make a beneficial oil for your skin, add a base oil such as coconut or olive oil, then shake well. (6 drops of essential oils per ounce of base oil)
lavender benefits


  1. Mixing lavender with eastern red aromatic cedar can have multiple benefits, including keeping pests away from your bedside.
  2. Cedar Sense lavender sachets are great to have in a bowl near your pillow to not only aid in your relaxation before bedtime, but also to keep the critters at bay
  3. Lavender and cedar have many blissful uses, and we want to make sure you know about them!
lavender benefits

To Conclude…

Here’s a list of 5 things your can implement into your life to help improve daily living. We want to help you live your life healthy and right.

  1. Tea
  2. Bath
  3. Soap
  4. Oils
  5. Cedar

More Useful Tips From Cedar Sense

If you liked these tips, find out more here about the ways lemon can improve your health and lifestyle!

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What Are Possible Health Benefits of Lavender?
Lavender scent can help improve sleep, treat skin blemishes, reduce blood pressure, and reduce heart rates. It can also relieve asthma symptoms and reduce hot flashes. Lavender can also promote healthy hair growth.

Does smelling lavender help you sleep?
Lavender oil is a popular aromatherapy choice for sleep and relaxation. Several studies show using lavender oil for aromatherapy can improve sleep quality, including in people with insomnia, depression, and anxiety.

Is lavender good for headaches?
Lavender essential oil is commonly used for stress relief and relaxation. There’s also strong evidence that lavender can help treat headaches and migraine. Breathing in the scent from lavender essential oil can help acute management of migraine attacks.

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